3 Reasons Why I Love the Akashic Records

akashic records

Why do I love the Records?  Let me count the ways!  OK, 3.  :)                              

  1. An enlightened perspective is always available to me in the Akashic Records. There have been times- lets say many- in which my viewpoint has been skewed. We could even say, that sometimes my head was… well you know where.  :) Opening up my personal Akashic Record and asking questions like what don’t I know about this situation? and even the existential why does this hurt so much?  has given me clarity and a sense of peace I didn’t have available before. This has happened not just 10 times or a 100 times, but every time. Knowledge is power- and when you have a tool that can access more information than you currently have, you’ve got the power to transform anything.

  2. No matter what I have been doing, I am always received unconditionally in the Akashic Records. In the very conditional world we live in, unconditional acceptance  is hard to come by. I grew up with conditional love that was entwined with perfect religious devotion, and its effects have been devastating on my personal life. Having a source of pure love and acceptance- no matter what I’m obsessing about, the mistakes I make parenting, or the &^%$# !!! that flies out of my mouth on occasion (ahem), is priceless. I will never receive that kind of love from my family of origin- but I can open to it and receive it in the Akashic Records. 

  3. I don’t have to be perfect to work alongside the Beings of Light in the Akashic Records- I just have to show up. I am not perfect. I never will be. And I still get to do this work- one of the most powerful and high vibrational tools for healing and empowerment on the planet. I’m not sure if there is anything cooler or more humbling. Anyone can do it. It’s co-creation and we are all one philosophy in tangible form at it’s very best. All from my living room couch. Using a very simple sacred prayer. Amazing. 

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