What are the Akashic Records?
Hello Beautiful Soul!
You are in the right place if:
- you've been wondering what your Divine Purpose is and if there's something specific for you to do
- you're driven by a desire to know who you are on a deep level
- you've heard the buzz about how the akashic records can help you in your career, living your soul purpose and improve your relationships, be a catalyst for deep soul healing
- you have a draw towards the Akashic Records that comes from deep within, even if you don't really understand why
What are the Akashic Records? In a nutshell:
The Akashic Records are the recording of Akasha (Sanskrit) which loosely translates to the stuff that the universe is made out of. This Akasha is an aspect of the Divine source energy.
You are made of Akasha, or source energy, thus your essence is divine and you are a reflection of the Divine.
The Beings of Light of the Akashic Records are here to support you in remembering the truth of who you are as light, love, and one with the Divine.
It is your divine birthright to know who you are.
Your Soul's journey has been driven by the desire to grow and experience yourself as love.
The Akashic Records are a field of unconditional love and there is no judgment there for any experiences your soul has had-- only love and wisdom.
All of the information about your soul, from the moment you individuated from Source to this present life, and future potentials are found within your Akashic Record. This includes your soul purpose, relationship contracts, intentions for a particular experience, root causes of challenges, past lives and more.
Stay tuned next week for a conversation about different ways to access the Akashic Records.
Click on the Image to Receive my Akashic Records Journey Meditation or visit dawnmarian.com/free
Hello Beautiful Soul!
Welcome to the Radiant Heart Rising podcast for Lovers of the Light who are ready to open their hearts to themselves, step into their power claim, their soul gifts and make the difference that they are here to make.
My name is Dawn Marian and I'll be your host today as we explore realms of the soul. I'm an Akashic Records Trainer, and I've been working with the Akashic Records for the last 15 years. I’m also the Founder of the Radiant Heart School and the CORE SOUL System to access your Akashic Records.
In this podcast, we'll be talking about what are the Akashic Records and you're absolutely in the right place if you've been wondering about your soul, what your divine purposes is and if there's something specific that you are here to do. You might also be driven by a desire to know who you are, wondering who am I? on a deep level. You may have also heard the buzz about how the Akashic Records can help you in your career and in living out your soul purpose and improve your relationships and be a powerful catalyst for deep soul healing. And you may also just have a draw towards the Akashic Records that comes from deep within, even if you don't really understand the why.
So in this podcast, we'll be talking about what are the Akashic Records and what that means for you as a soul and how the Akashic records can support you in your life. And I've got a wonderful free gift for you so you can really experience the energy of the unconditional love of the Akashic Records, as well as the beauty and magnificence of your own soul.
So to start out, we're going to talk about how things all began, and we're going to rewind back to the beginning of the cosmos. Now I don't pretend to know exactly how it was, but I invite you to just journey with me in your mind and think about that time when the Divine decided to experience itself. So the Akashic Record Keepers have explained it to me like this: that the Divine was sitting around being magnificent forever and ever, and ever. And that was pretty great, but you can imagine, also maybe a little boring. It's just you and you're awesome, right? But to truly know yourself, to truly experience yourself, you have to have a lens or a way to be able to do that.
And so the divine chose to splinter itself or burst into a bazillion little pieces of itself, knowing that it would have a reflection-- like looking in a mirror to look at another piece of itself from outside itself. Now, some people talk about the big bang, as if the universe was created with a big bang. Other people believe in creation, that everything was intentionally created. I think why not both? Right, it could totally be both. The big bang of light, the big explosion of light, it was intentional, it had creation energy. And that was the beginning of an unfolding, a beautiful expression of the energy of the universe. And you can think about it, feel it as the cosmos pulsing with light, pure potential, pure power, pure consciousness, and this consciousness has the frequency of Love. A desire to expand, to grow, to know itself as Love. And that's at the foundation of our experience of the Akashic Records.
Now you may have heard the term, the Akashic Field, which in quantum physics is this field of pure potential. Everything exists in light that later is informed, takes a form, by consciousness. And that is the Akasha, that word comes from a Sanskrit word, Akasha, which loosely translates to the thing (stuff) that everything is made out of. There's this idea of a cosmic energy or a life force energy that flows through the universe that can take many, many different forms, that is Akasha.
Now, I’m going to open another story loop here. At the time of this burst of energy, of experience there was a field that was also born that was meant to record everything that happened to all of the light, right? And this is the Akashic Records, the recording of the journey of the Akasha. Now you may have heard the widely accepted definition of the Akashic Records, that they are the records of the journey of the soul from the moment of individuation from Source until this present moment, and also contains future potentials. Those are the Akashic Records. And in the fields of energy, which is a holographic field of energy recording the happenings and the vibrations, the thoughts, the intentions around the Akasha, there is a group of Beings of Light that were brought into being to serve specifically the Akashic Records. And those are your Akashic Record Keepers. And they're there primarily to support all that light in all different forms. And there's different ways that they do that. And they function as a sort of spiritual or soul advisor.
Okay. So now we're going to talk about you and how you fit into that. So in all of that light, soul came to be. You come from that light. You may have heard in the Bible that man, let's also say women, humans, were made in the image of the Divine. And I think about it like caramel. You come from source energy. And even though a piece of caramel can take many, many different forms-- you can roll it, you can pinch it off, you can put it in a cookie, right? You still have caramel. And that's exactly what it is for you too. Your original essence comes from that divine light, that desire to express yourself, to know yourself as true love, because that is what you are at your core. That is the answer to that age old question, who am I? You are love, you are light at its purest form. That is where you come from.
And so your soul began a journey to know itself. And for a long time, you were a mirror of the Divine's experience, right? Hanging out in this beautiful lush, gorgeous creation energy being light, being love, being magnificent. Isn't that wonderful? The cosmos pulses with creation, waves and growth. And at a certain point, you wanted to have experience. You wanted to begin a journey to know yourself, to remember who you are. And just as this individuation occurred within the Divine, you did the same thing. You began to incarnate. You began to have different life experiences, learning and growing because that is the fabric or that is what drives the universe forward. And you can probably even identify that in yourself that there's always this little nudge inside for more, right? It can be a knowing, like, I just know that I am meant for more, or I know that there is more wisdom for me. There's more for me to do or to have, or to be, there’s always this push for growth, right? And that is because you are a mirror image of the Divine also wanting to grow or for wanting to know yourself as Love.
So that's the very big picture of what the Akashic Records are. And that's how you fit into that grand magnificent scheme of light, of love, and experience of soul. And we're going to talk about how we can take that really big picture of what the Akashic Records are and use it in a very tangible, practical way in our lives, and the way that we can understand that is if you think about all of the information that is available within your Akashic Records.
Now this may not be a news flash to you, but this is not your first go around the block, right? As a soul, you have life experiences. You have multiple hundreds, thousands, even, of lifetimes that you spend learning and growing with your soul family, maybe working on a theme, maybe mastering something such as healing or channeling or leadership. And all of that is in your Akashic Records. And you have the divine birthright to know the truth of who you are.
Because often, I dare say for all of us, we come to the earth and like the great hero, we begin a hero's journey. We forget who we are rather quickly. We are in a space that tells us that you're not divine. You're not worthy. You're not lovable, and sooner or later those messages hit, because that's the collective environment that we're in. Even if you had a magnificent, wonderful, loving childhood, sooner or later, those energies come in. And that's where our great hero's journey starts-- to remember who am I again? What is driving me forward to grow, to learn? What are these challenges and obstacles in my way, on my path to remembering who I am? And so you see, you and I are on a soul journey of remembering who we are as divine beings of light, of love, and the Akashic Records are here to support you in that because no one knows you better than your Akashic Records. And they're here to support you, those Beings of Light that I spoke of, and these Akashic Angels who serve humanity, are here to help you on your soul path in all ways.
And that can be in realms of purpose, like what is my soul purpose and how do I execute that purpose? Once you've identified it, who are the people I'm here to serve? How do I serve them in the best way? Or they can also help you in relationships. Which is something I see a lot with Akashic Records, people who have trouble in relationships, or maybe difficult family of origin relationships and the Akashic Records can give you insight into what is really at the root of those relationships so that you can heal them. You can uplift them, or you can move them into a state of grace.
They can also help with your career. The rumors are true. The Akashic Records can be a turbo boost to your career, helping you identify very quickly where to focus your time, energy, efforts, resources, and they can also help with parenting and on and on and on and all levels because the Akashic Records are the records of your soul. And there is nothing that is eclipsed from it-- it's all there. Not only this life, those intentions for this life that you had, or those contracts or vows that you may have made with family members or partners, but also all of your past lives. And that's where things can get really juicy, right? Because we're talking about your purpose as it's been repeated hundreds of lifetimes-- that's you my healers who are listening, right? and the leaders, agents of change. And so all of this comes together in the great now, because that is also a cosmic truth, that the real moment that we have is right now, you see, because the future has not occurred yet. It's a projection of the mind, and we're constantly creating our future with our thoughts, with our actions, with our vibration and our habits. And it's beautiful because we can change the way that we feel, the things that we say or do at any moment, right? And the past is truly in the past. It's only present when we bring it into our present. So there's this real beauty, as well as mastery that's available to us when we tap into who we are as a soul every day.
Now, sometimes people will come to me when they have a reading and they're really worried, or they feel really nervous because they're like, Oh my God, something is going to come up. You know, I'm afraid I did something bad in a past life, or there's just something lurking in the closet, some skeletons in my closet and my Akashic Records and I'm afraid to know what that is, and that's a totally valid human response, but I'm here to tell you and remind you that the Akashic Records are a field of unconditional love. And from the viewpoint of the soul, the viewpoint of the Akashic Record Keepers and the Divine itself, as well as your I AM presence, which is that highest expression of who you are as a divine being, there is no judgment. There is only love. So you can only be in love in your heart. There's no room for judgment. Once judgment comes in, we've left the arena of our heart and now we're in the realm of the mind, we're in the realm of the ego, okay? So that worry that there's something there hiding, while valid, is not something to be concerned about.
Now it's true. We all have big lifetimes where we get off track. We make mistakes. That's all about soul growth, right? And in those life experiences, there's always that desire to bring your awareness back to love. To make that full circle. And just like we talked about in the big macrocosm of the Divine, like how could I know myself if I'm always just perfect, right? Like, let's stir it up. Let's have some experiences, let's feel what it's like to be the bad guy, to be the underdog, you know, juicy, that’s exciting. And it's the same for you. So those lifetimes or even last week when you've made a mistake, when you say, Oh my God, that was so unconscious of me. Or, you know, I was just awful to that person years ago. That was an experience for you. And beyond an experience is an opportunity to return yourself to love. And that's a deep, beautiful subject, one that we'll go into in future podcasts, how we do that, but know that everything in your Akashic Records is sacred, holy and beautiful, and is a reflection of who you are as a being of light.
So I'd like you to imagine, just for a second, close your eyes, what would it be like to have that kind of connection with yourself, with your Akashic Record Keepers, with Source. And as you imagine it, I want to tell you that it is there for you. In fact, you couldn't even imagine if that wasn’t a part of you already. And that deep connection that is pulling you forward, that you are yearning for on a deep spiritual soul level has always been part of you. And what we're doing now is we're just returning back to it. It's like we're uncovering the veils. We're lifting the barriers to knowing ourselves as that love. And the Akashic Records are here to support you because you were not meant to come to the lifetime to suffer. You are not meant to do this life alone. There is support for you. And as I mentioned before, it is your divine birthright to know the truth of who you are and to have the support, because the truth is you were never separated from Source.
We talked about the individuation, which has an individualization of source energy, but it was never separate, just a different form. And that beautiful energy that runs through the universe... It's the energy of who you are. So I'd like to give you a gift and that is a meditation, okay? A Journey into the Akashic Records so that you can feel that connection for yourself, feel the love. It's an aspect of being able to touch your soul and to feel that support that's available to you through the Akashic Records. You can get that from my website at dawnmarian.com/free.
And I'd like to invite you to the next podcast where we're going to talk about ways to access the Akashic Records. And you will discover many pathways into the Akashic Records and maybe even find one that is the right one for you, if your heart is leaning towards taking the next step and learning how to access your own records and to uncover that beautiful soul journey for yourself. So I want to thank you for listening today, and if you enjoyed this podcast, please share it with your friends, your soul brothers and sisters, and invite them to also receive that free meditation and tap into their soul. My name is Dawn, and I send you bright blessings and remember that you are a magnificent soul, that you are here to make a difference and that you are Love.